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Fall 2024 One Act

The Trip to Bountiful (5).png
Sept. 15 @ 6 pm

Oct. 6, 12, 19 @ 6 pm

LOCATION:          Treehouse Theater HOME STAGE
                             910 Washington St, Manitowoc

The Trip to Bountiful is a heartwarming exploration of the human spirit.  This classic by Horton Foote follows a family yearning for freedom as they experience a journey filled with hope, resilience and the power of human connection.  This poignant story will resonate with audiences of all ages, leaving a lasting impression of the importance of dreams, family and the true meaning of home.


Education Director/Producer - Erin Nycz

Director - Chris Andacht

Stage Manager - John Iannitello

Costume Design - Claran LaViolette

Lighting Design - Abby Wass, Victoria Manion

Lighting Technician - Victoria Manion

Makeup Design - Margaret Iannitello

Sound Design - Soraya George


CARRIE WATTS – Chloe Johanek
LUDIE WATTS – Dominick Springstube
JESSIE MAE WATTS – Katie Naegele
THELMA – Teresa Iannitello, Quintella Groothoff
HENRY – Quintella Groothoff, Lucian Vanderbloomen
ROY – Sydney Rabas, Lucian Vanderbloomen
WARD – Evrette Fessler, Sydney Rabas

ENSEMBLE -  Liberty Adelman, Caroline Johanek, Elle Nycz,

                        Grace Nycz, Anna Stefiuk

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